Telecom - Technology Guidelines

Department of Telecommunications Minimum Requirements for Security Policy
DoT Ref. No.20-271/2010 AS-I (Vol-III)

1. DoT's licensing conditions issued in May/June 2011 mandates organisational Policy for Security and Security Management of licensees' telecom assets. The Security Policy of DoT licensees' will have minimum provisions as detailed below which shall be applicable for telecom networks, and systems holding customer's data including the endpoints through which such infrastructure and information is
accessible. It aims to ensure adequate management directions and support for security arrangements in accordance with service continuity and relevant laws & regulations.

Security Policy will provide direction for establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement in Security and Security Management under its scope including security requirements related to vendors1/suppliers' contracts.

2. The Security objectives and the requisite controls to meet defined security objectives including exceptions against individual controls with reasons thereof. It will include, apart from other, the following minimum provision for/to:

a) Organizational set up, roles and responsibilities
i) Responsibilities of top management.
ii) Organizational setup, roles & responsibilities for Security Management
iii) Designate a Chief Security Officer(s) for Network Security and Information Security and define his roles and/functions
iv) Determine & deploy adequate technical manpower including required resources for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of Security Management.

b) Guidelines
i) Define and implement security risk management system.
ii) Periodic evaluation of the information security performance and effectiveness of the security management viz-a-viz organization's security objectives by monitoring and measurements, feedback mechanism, management reviews, result of risk assessment and status of risk treatment plan.
iii) Auditing their network or get the network audited from security point of view once a year or as and when configuration of network is changed significantly, from a network certification agency which is accredited to carry out the network audit under international standards such as ISOIIEC 27001/ ISOIIEC 2701 I including Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT). In case, the licensee's network is audited by internal audit team, external audit of the network is mandatory once in a period of three years.
iv) Control access to telecom assets, to ensure authorized user access and to prevent unauthorized access to systems and services.
v) Ensure that users are accountable for safeguarding their authentication information to prevent unauthorized access to systems and services.
vi) Access to telecom assets on need to know basis.
vii) Defined change control policy & practices and their implementation.
viii) Ensure proper and effective use of encryption techniques/devices to protect confidentiality, authenticity and/ or integrity of information.
ix) Ensure adequate protection of telecom assets from power failure and other disruptions caused by failure in supporting facilities for service continuity.

c) Control
i. Continual improvement of the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of security management.
ii. Identify organizational assets including Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) assets and appropriate protection responsibilities. CII to be protected as per guidelines prescribed by NCI/PC. It shall
ensure that telecom assets receive an appropriate level of protection in accordance with its importance to the organization
iii. Defined data retention and destruction policies and its implementation.
iv. Ensure adequate Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) to maintain equipment room environment within the telecom equipment manufacturer's guidelines.
v. Protection of power and telecommunications cables carrying data or supporting information services from un-authorised interception, electromagnetic interference and physical and electrical damage
vi. Protection of telecom assets against intrusion of ma/ware.
vii. Backup policy to protect against loss of data/information.
viii. Ensure that the customer data/information is operated, accessed and remains in the country at all times.
ix. Clock synchronization of all elements of network
x. Procedure to control the installation, upgradation and maintenance of software on operational systems to ensure integrity of operational systems and to prevent exploitation of technical vulnerabilities.
xi. Protection of information in networks, its supporting information processing facilities and information transferred within an organization and with any external entity.
xii. Ensure that security is built in design and is an integral part of information systems and networks across the entire life cycle, including the development lifecycle.
xiii. Protection of the organization's telecom assets that is accessible by suppliers/ vendors and maintain agreed level of security and service delivery in line with the supplier/vendor agreement.
xiv. Consistent and effective approach to the management of the security incidents, including communication on security events and weaknesses.
xv. Security continuity to be embedded in the organisation's service continuity management systems. Ensure availability of telecom facility using sufficient redundancies.
xvi. Post attack recovery plan
xvii. Development and implementation of crisis management plan.
xviii. Disaster Recovery plan of operations
xix. Compliance with statutory, regulatory, licensing or contractual obligations related to information security and security requirements
XX. Induction of only those network elements into telecom network, which have been tested w.r.t network security.
xxi. To inspect the hardware, software, design, development, manufacturing facility and supply chain and subject all software to a security/threat check any time during the supplies of equipment as required
xxii. Including all contemporary security related features and features related to communication security as prescribed in relevant security standards while procuring the equipment and implementing all such security features in the network.
xxiii. Ensure generation of operation and command logs by telecom network elements and for keeping a record of all operation and maintenance command logs on line for one year and off line for further two years period
xxiv. Protection of operation and maintenance command logs.
xxv. Compliance with the terms and conditions prescribed by the Government in respect of Remote Access (RA) operations.
xxvi. Compliance to facilities for logging, monitoring and alerting, sufficient to track and prevent all intrusions, attacks and frauds and report the incidents to the Licensor, CERT-Telecom and to CERT-In.
xxvii. Root cause analysis of detected incidents
xxviii. A suitable agreement with hardware/ software manufacturer/ vendors and supplier of services to ensure that the equipment/ services/ software in the network, have been checked thoroughly for risk and vulnerabilities, backdoors etc. All known and addressable vulnerabilities have been addressed and non-addressable vulnerabilities have been listed with remedial measures and precautions provided. The agreement should cover aspects related to security measures like access control, password control and management etc. Clauses addressing the service continuity and service up gradation be included in the agreement, with consequences defined for each party in case of breach, particularly the security breaches.
xxix. Prepare and document Minimum Baseline Security Standards for Operating Software and applications running on each network element.
xxx. Information to licensor regarding major updation and changes within 15 days of completion of such updation and changes.
xxxi. Submission of compliance report to DoT on the security related matters indicated in the security audit report by DoT within a period of three months.

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